All orders are typically processed within 3 to 5 business days. Once you have placed your order you will receive a confirmation email from our team.
Once your order is ready to be shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with the appropriate tracking information to follow your parcel.
If you receive your order damaged please contact your shipment carrier to file a claim, Cure Soaps is not liable for products damaged or lost during shipping. We would however like to hear about your experience so please feel like you can also contact us directly. Save all packaging and goods, take photos if possible for your claim.
We are happy to provide a full refund for any unused products returned to us within 30 days of receipt. The customer is responsible for all return shipping costs. After 30 days all sales are final.
Products purchased from our stockists are subject to the return policies of that stockist. We do not accept any returns of products from our stockists.
If you have questions or concerns, please email us at